Month: September 2012

  • Why I Dive: Sea Lion Edition

    Why I Dive: Sea Lion Edition

    People ask me all the time why I dive here in California. Maybe they’ve gone for a dive or a snorkel in Hawaii or the Caribbean, and they know the water here is so much colder and darker and less clear. I’ve lost count of how many times they’ve asked, incredulously, “Is there anything to…

  • Let’s go cave diving! Actually, let’s not.

    Let’s go cave diving! Actually, let’s not.

    I’m still in a hurricane frame of mindĀ from last week. Prior to Irene in August of 2011, I hadn’t really ever given hurricanes much thought. Those are east coast things that happen in east coast places, and being a primarily west coast kind of girl, they just didn’t factor much. Until Irene of course. And…